Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tiffany Interviews Brad Pitt on “Midnight TV Entertainment” June 13, 2013

Tiffany interviews Brad Pitt for his new movie “Word War Z”. I’ve been expectantly waiting for this new movie and this interview seemed to be the icing on the cake.

Brad Pitt was in South Korea recently promoting his latest big budget block buster movie “World War Z”, an apocalyptic movie concerning man versus zombies. Our eye-smile queen Fany, was chosen interview Him as Korea’s representative. Maybe because of her fluent English? I can not confirm that information though.
The interview was held at the Gyeongbok Royal Palace in Geunjeongjeon, which is considered to be the most extravagant palace built in Seoul.

Additionally, Tiffany asked Brad Pitt if he could greet Sooyoung who was hosting “Midnight TV Entertainment” in the studio. Brad candidly greeted Sooyoung much to her enjoyment.


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